Clary Sage
With its clean and refreshing scent, Clary sage essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy thanks to its antidepressant and calming properties. Extracted from the Clary Sage flowering herb native to the Mediterranean Basin, Clary Sage oil is used in blends, bath products and skincare for its healing properties, delicate fragrance, and de-stressing abilities.
At anatomē, we use Clary Sage oil in a number of our essential oil blends, due to its proven abilities to reduce stress and elicit feelings of calm and relaxation, as well as reduce blood pressure.
In our Recovery + Sleep Essential Oil Blend, Clary Sage essential oil provides not only a delicate and natural scent to the blend, but also supports restful and calming sleep by reducing the blood pressure and soothing anxiety.
In our Focus + Concentration Essential Oil Blend, we use Clary Sage to support clarity of thought by calming anxieties and reducing cortisol levels, helping to focus the mind.
In our Relax + Sleep Bath Salts, Clary Sage not only helps to provide calming effects, but also helps to reduce menopause symptoms, alleviate menstrual cramps, and cleanses the skin thanks to its antibacterial qualities.