Sunday Edition #30: Eleven Eleven
Few weeks ago we have partnered with Michelle and Jessica, founders of Eleven Eleven, the ultimate luxury wellness space. Today they share their wellness and manifestation tips.
Tell us your story - what sparked you to pursue a career in well-being and coaching?
M: My own experiences, interests, personal development and how much coaching I’ve done impacted my life in a positive way. It completely changed my life for the better and I wanted to pay it forward.
J: Well-being is the gateway to a happy life.
My soul’s purpose is to bring good energy, uplift people around me and help others integrate well-being into their everyday lives.
What is Eleven: Eleven? What is it about?
M&J: Our mission is to take women around the world on an unforgettable journey of self-love and self-discovery in order to evolve into their most desirable selves. We hope to impact the world with more confident and successful, strong, happy, loving women.
How do you find balance, and what keeps you inspired?
M: I have a morning routine and evening routine to help set my day and relax at the end of the day. I ensure I get enough rest, healthy food and exercise. I have burnt out before, so I have learnt the hard way, I respect my body and mind to ensure I look after them. I have healthy boundaries and manage my time well. I stay inspired because I have created a life that I love, and I thrive in it. This is what we aim to show other women.
J: Balance is an illusion. We never “find balance” and aren’t meant to as humans. Although, we can establish rituals that bring us more peace and contentment. Like Mich said, creating a routine or ritual every morning and evening spark more good moments throughout your day and help you feel more calm.
What do you do to motivate yourself, or to switch up energy throughout the day?
M: I am highly tuned into my energy, I know what drains and uplifts my energy, and therefore I know how to regulate it. If I feel tired/lethargic, I will take a break, get outdoors, or exercise. Self-care is also essential.
J: Usually if I’m not feeling motivated, it’s because I’m unwell or my body is feeling burned out. I always go back to our Eleven Eleven self-care guide and choose 4-5 ideas to help me feel better. Your only job when you aren’t feeling motivated is to be aware, listen to your body, and do the things that you know will bring your spark back.
Find your happy place and it will be easier to regulate an “off mood”.
How do you define wellbeing?
M: It is different for everyone; however, I believe it encompasses how we look after our mind, body and spirit.
J: I define wellbeing as everything and anything that makes you happy! For me it’s using my essential oils, candles, baths, meditating, dancing, working out, yoga, deep breathing, loving my people and practising gratitude.
Any tips for tuning into our body's needs?
M: Slow down, you won’t be able to tune into your needs if you are running at a million miles an hour. Your body will tell you what it needs, you just have to slow down to hear/feel it.
J: The best way to tune into our bodies is by stopping and listening. Listen to your breathing. Listen to the noise around you until it sounds like a hum. Take some deep breaths to regulate your nervous system and tune into how you feel so you can attend to your mind and body’s needs.
What are some small habits you practice that make a big difference?
M&J: A Morning Routine, an Evening Routine and Self-Care throughout the week.
How can we use manifestation and affirmations in our lives?
M: Affirmations help to increase confidence, hope and belief. I love writing them in my journal during my morning routine, I have an app that sends me affirmations every hour and I also like to have an affirmation as my screensaver. Seeing these messages all the time, they go into your subconscious and help to rewire your brain.
To manifest correctly you first have to get REALLY clear about what you want and WHY.
J: Like Mich said, the first step in manifesting is to get crystal clear on what you want and why.
After you’ve established that, envision yourself with this manifestation right now. Get into what it feels like, what it looks like, feel the energy it would bring you.
Tap into that “high state of being”. Tap into that frequency.
Once you’ve established how it feels and the energy it gives, give gratitude that it’s done.
Live in that state as much as you can and you’ll see the manifestation come to life eventually. Don’t put a time limit on any manifestation. Believe that everything is always happening at the right time for you and it always will. This is the Law of Certainty- one of the great (12) Laws of the Universe.
Do you have any advice for readers wanting to regain power over their lives?
M&J: Yes! Start by figuring out who you really are. Many of us lose ourselves because we allow ourselves to be led by others and can people, please?
Once you begin to know who you are you can then take steps to be true to yourself and achieve your goals.
I would recommend learning what your values and principles are as a good starting point. These act as a lighthouse in your life.
How can we be kinder to ourselves as we pursue wellbeing?
M: Don’t try and do too much at once, take small steps to change your habits and try habit stacking.
J: Pretend you are speaking to your 11-year old self. Remember how delicate you were? You still are deep down… and that’s a good thing. That delicate side of you is still there and needs to be nurtured. Be easy on yourself and speak to yourself if you were speaking to the younger you. What would you say? Remember that you’ve achieved so much in your life already. Be proud of yourself.
Here’s a trick to tap into a wellbeing mindset: Every morning, say this,
Universe, show me how good it gets.
What’s your go-to movement practice, or exercise that sparks joy?
M: I LOVE spin (indoor cycling) so much that I teach it. The combination of the music, the lights and the bike lift my mood and makes me feel alive.
J: I played fast moving sports & did competitions my whole life that were pretty hard core on my body, so now that I’m older I’ve gravitated to workouts that are slower paced.
I love Pilates as it’s quite slow and reminds me of certain poses I used to do as a gymnast. I love that it helps my lower back feel more open and strong. I love that it involves sage. I love the clarity I feel afterwards.
What’s your life’s philosophy or mantra?
M: "Trust the divine timing of your life."
"What is meant for you won't pass you by."
"God has a plan."
J: "Find your happy place… and once you find it, go there as often as you can."
What are some of the most common self-care myths you’ve encountered?
M: That self-care is a trip to the spa, yes it is but, in reality, it’s as simple as taking 5 minutes for yourself to sit and enjoy a hot coffee.
J: Like Mich said, self-care is not about physical activities. It’s not about the physical aspect at all. It’s about creating moments in your day that light you up and give you good feelings.
Sleep can greatly affect our mood and stress levels. What’s your ideal winding down routine to find peace and calm?
M: I like to have a bath, with bath salts, candles and some relaxing music. A hot herbal tea or hot chocolate. Reading, journaling and no screen time at least 30 minutes before bed.
J: I LOVE an oil & salt bath as well (with Anatomē Japanese seaweed oil), some binaural beats, lemon-ice water and my favourite candle (currently cinnamon for the holidays).
How can we create our own haven or sanctuary?
M: Choose your environment, choose an area or room in your house, and make it your safe haven. Cushions, blankets, crystals, tarot cards, journal and have this as your place to meditate, relax, read, ground yourself.
J: Definitely what Mich said. Aside from that, I love to also burn incense and sage my space (and family) a few times per week, more often if we have been in a public place as sometimes different energies could drift into your own bubble. Learn more on how to protect your energy by checking out our free self-care guide.
Something you’re looking forward to?
M: I look forward to every day as I have created a life I love.
J: Each day is different and I really look forward to my routines (especially my morning coffees) but I’m a Gemini so I’m always thinking of the future. Right now I’m currently looking forward to a holiday in Mexico with my husband (sans kids! woo!)
Festive edit
What is your go-to feel-good song?
M: Band-Aid, do they know it's Christmas
J: N u a g e s - Dreams- such a vibe.
A party isn’t complete without…
M: Christmas crackers and terrible party games.
J: A fun, upbeat crowd & good music.
Any other hosting tips for this festive season?
Share the load, ask guests to bring a course, drinks, nibbles, etc.
M: It doesn’t need to be perfect, remember it's about the people, the relationships, the love and laughter and the memories.
J: It doesn’t have to be perfect. Sometimes hosting can cause stress. It really takes away from the fun of being around friends and family.
Grab a hot glass of mulled wine, put on your favourite holiday music, and just let it flow. You’re alive. Be happy.
How can we practise gratitude this Christmas?
M: Take moments throughout the day to reflect and appreciate.
J: It’s good to take a moment and realise that you are fortunate in so many ways. Do you have hot water? Can you see through your window? Can you walk around the room? Can you read a book? Can you lay in bed? We forget these little things that we take for granted.
Remember that other people would love to be in the position you are in. Practice gratitude by grabbing your favourite hot drink, spend time in nature and play your life from start to finish in your head. You’ve come so far. Look at you now. It’s about to get even better.
Take a breath and say thank you to the universe and your intuition.
Happy Holidays!
Thank you so much! Love, Eleven Eleven x