5 best wellness journals for boosting your productivity and self-care levels
A wellness journal is a simple tool that can help you stay on track with your self-care goals. A wellness journal is a place where you write down your daily activities, feelings and thoughts so that you have an accurate record of how your life has been going.
It's important to note that keeping a wellness journal isn't just about recording what happens in your day-to-day life--it's also about reflecting on the things that matter most to you, such as relationships or career goals. By doing this regularly (for example: once per week), it becomes easier for us all to set realistic goals for ourselves based on our values rather than external pressures like social media posts from friends who seem happier than we do!
The Five Minute Journal
The Five Minute Journal is a popular self-care journal that has been used by thousands of people all over the world. It consists of three main sections: a daily prompt, positive affirmations and gratitude section. The first thing you do each morning is write down your goals for the day or week ahead in the goal setting section. Then you move on to writing down three things that went well for you yesterday before moving onto your gratitude section where you reflect on what made your day great! Finally comes an area where you can write down any worries or concerns about yourself or others so that they don't weigh on your mind during the day (this helps clear out negative thoughts).
The Gratitude Journal
The Gratitude Journal is a great way to boost your productivity and self-care levels. It's full of daily prompts, gratitude lists, affirmations and more. The app allows you to set goals for yourself as well as keep track of them in one place. If you are looking for an easy way to create positive habits that will help improve your life then this is the journal for you!
The Self-Discovery Journal
The Self-Discovery Journal is a great option for those who are looking to get more in touch with their emotions and gain a better understanding of their own personal needs. The journal includes daily questions, reflection prompts, goal setting and more. It's perfect for anyone who wants to start working on themselves but doesn't know where to begin or how exactly they should go about doing so.
The Self-Discovery Journal was created by Heather Raffo who has been featured on Forbes' list of top 10 female entrepreneurs under 30 years old multiple times over the past few years. She has also been named one of Fast Company's Most Creative People in Business three times since 2016!
The Self-Love Journal
The Self-Love Journal is a great place to start if you're looking for a wellness journal that focuses on self-care. It has daily questions, a self-care checklist and gratitude list. This journal will help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings so that you can begin to make changes in your life that will lead to greater happiness and fulfillment.
The Vision Planner
The Vision Planner is a great option for those who want to set goals, but don't have the time or patience for complicated journaling systems. The weekly reflection questions are designed to help you look back at what you've accomplished and determine how well your plan is working. You can also use this section as an opportunity to reflect on where you want to be in six months or even one year from now--and then break down those goals into smaller steps that are more achievable on a daily basis.
The goal setting section includes prompts like "What do I want?" and "How will I know when I've achieved my goal?" This helps get your mind thinking about what makes sense for your life right now, while also providing some structure so that it doesn't feel overwhelming when trying out new things (like meditation).
The gratitude section is perfect if like me, sometimes we forget how much good there is in our lives until someone reminds us! This section gives us space each week where we can take stock of all our blessings instead focusing only on what could go wrong next week/month/year etc...